Pet Registration

Our community permits Residents to have a maximum of two dogs or two cats per unit. Annual info updates are required for all pets by March 1st each year!

Register your pet for the first time, or renew/update their existing registration using the form below. It’s fast and it’s easy! There’s no cost to register your pet in the community but don’t forget, as of January 2010, residents of New Castle County, outside the City of Wilmington, must obtain dog licenses from the County.

View the rules, fees, and procedures on how to apply for a NCC Dog License, then return to complete the form below.  Pet Tip: Cat owners don’t have to register with the County — Yet. (but that’s because cats think they own you, right?)

Files must be 1MB (1,000 KB) or less. If you receive an error message, compress or crop your files and retry.

Share a picture of your pet with us. In case they get out, we'll know who to look for!
Add your NCC dog license. Must be updated annually.
Add your pet's shot record. Must be updated annually and/or when expired.
This must be updated annually to maintain your pet's ESA status in the community.

New Owner or Resident?  Complete our New Resident Contact Form.  
Thanks and welcome to the neighborhood!

We’ll use this information to update your Resident record.  Just so you know,  we take safeguarding your information seriously and will not share, rent, or sell your data to anyone.  It’s only for use in our Linden Green Management Office and to be able to provide better service to Owners and Residents.